Katherine A Harmon
Family Law
At Cohen & Malad, communication is the cornerstone of our family law practice.
We understand that family law cases can be the most difficult to endure. Or, as with adoption proceedings, they can be the most uplifting. Either way, it marks a very serious time in your life, and your case deserves the intimate attention of an attorney who cares about you, your goals and your long-term well-being.
No matter how complicated your case, your Cohen & Malad family practice attorney will uphold this commitment to you. We have handled multimillion-dollar divorces, complex interstate custody battles and the tough cases other firms have turned down. Consistently, we make sure our clients receive the most responsive service—even when it comes to something as simple as promptly returning your phone call.
* Pre- & Postnuptial Agreements
* Divorce & Annulment
* Property Division
* Temporary Spousal Support
* Postdivorce Spousal Maintenance (Alimony)
* Child Support, Custody & Visitation
* Child & Spousal Abuse
* Paternity
* Restraining & Protective Orders
* Name Changes
* Adoption
Certified Family Law Specialist - Indiana State Bar Association
Katherine A Harmon
Cohen & Malad LLP
1 Indiana Square #1400
Indianapolis IN 46204
Tel: 317 636-6481
Fax: 317 636-2593
E-mail: kharmon@cohenandmalad.com
Practice Groups:
* Appellate Law
* Family Law
Kathy joined Cohen & Malad in 2005 and is an associate.
Kathy concentrates her practice in the area of Family Law. She believes constant communication with her clients and her ability to effectively address her clients' issues in a manner that is easy to understand are the cornerstone of her practice. She is in court on a frequent basis and is proficient with the changing area of family law.
Kathy represents clients at the state and appellate court levels and focuses her practice on the following areas of law:
* Adoption
* Establishment of child support, support modifications and child support arrearages
* Custody disputes and modifications
* Divorce and legal separation
* Grandparent custody and visitation
* Guardianships
* Paternity actions
* Pre and Post Nuptial Agreements
* Jurisdictional matters involving child support, custody and parenting time
* Family law appeals
* Protective Orders
