Ice Miller LLP
Ice Miller Services
* Bankruptcy and Debtor/Creditor Disputes
* Buy/Sell Transactions
* Corporate and Business Services
* Employee Benefits
* Employee Relations, Employment and Labor
* Entrepreneurial Company Services
* Financing Strategies
* General Legal Matters
* Intellectual Property
* International Legal Services
* Litigation/Dispute Resolution
* Municipal and Government Services
* Personal Services, Trusts and Estates
* Public Affairs
* Real Estate Services
* Risk Avoidance and Management
* Tax
Ice Miller's tax practice is dedicated to providing our clients with timely and efficient solutions that enhance economic return by reducing tax expense. Our knowledge of federal, state and local tax issues provides comprehensive coverage for our clients, whether they are individual entrepreneurs or domestic and foreign multinational corporations. Because virtually all legal transactions bring with them tax implications, our tax practitioners often form a team with other Ice Miller professionals to evaluate, negotiate, and structure our clients' transactions. Our tax services include federal tax planning, state tax planning, property taxes, taxes related to mergers, acquisitions, and strategic alliances, tax counsel to nonprofit organizations and dispute resolution. We have experience in designing transactions to take advantage of the use of tax efficient structures and utilize, where appropriate, historic tax credits or affordable housing tax credits.
Services Provided
* Administrative Law
* Business Transactions
* Corporate and Business Services
* Economic Development and Affordable Housing
* Income Taxation
* International Tax
* New Markets Tax Credits
* Property Tax
* Sports and Entertainment
* State and Local Taxation
* Tax Exempt Finance for Colleges and Universities
* Tax Litigation
* Tax Restructuring
* Tax Services for Colleges and Universities
Ice Miller LLP
1 American Square #2900
Indianapolis IN 46282-0200
Tel: 317 236-2100
Fax: 317 236-2219
