Hugh E Reynolds Jr
Problem Solving from a Business Perspective
Frost Brown Todd's trial lawyers represent corporations and individuals in virtually all aspects of civil and white-collar criminal litigation. They blend skill and insight, sophisticated legal savvy and a deep roster of partners across disciplines to meet challenges across numerous industries and business situations.
We serve as national counsel for a variety of companies on complex, potentially large exposure matters. In this role, we wear many hats, but primarily serve as national advising counsel, national coordinating counsel and national trial counsel. We also counsel and represent a variety of international, national, regional and local corporations and have extensive experience in complex litigation, multi-party cases and class actions. We have defended public companies in hostile takeover battles, and pharmaceutical companies and medical device manufacturers in class action product liability suits. We defend accountants and medical facilities in malpractice claims. Likewise, we defend and prosecute complex litigation involving RICO violations, securities violations, fraud, trade secrets, covenants not to compete, dealer terminations, antitrust matters, breach of contract and breach of fiduciary duties.
Innovative Solutions to Complex Business Challenges
Frost Brown Todd has a long record of success in the courtroom and features many nationally-recognized litigators. We are equally adept at fashioning solutions to problems without incurring the risks and costs associated with courtroom trials. Thus, while we frequently try cases to judges and juries, our trial attorneys regularly resolve disputes out of court through negotiation, arbitration, mediation, mini-trials and other alternative dispute resolution methods. If a dispute cannot be avoided, we encourage the use of alternative dispute resolution procedures, achieving dispute resolution objectives as cost-effectively as possible.
Industry Focus: Product Liability
With a diverse array of product liability experience, we focus heavily on the chemical, drug and medical device, and industrial and consumer manufacturing industries. We have successfully represented both medical device manufacturers and distributors and pharmaceutical companies in individual, action, and multi-district product liability actions.
Frost Brown Todd also represents chemical manufacturers in toxic tort and occupational exposure actions. On the national level, our lawyers have long-defended chemical manufacturers in fire and explosion cases in which their products are alleged to produce toxic byproducts and contribute to fire ignition and flame spread.
We do far more than simply react to litigation filed against our clients. Working closely and proactively with clients, in-house counsel and engineering staff, our lawyers prevent future product liability litigation by designing and implementing liability prevention programs and specific initiatives to assist them in producing safe products which are more-easily defended.
Case Management: Avoiding Surprises
Because no two legal situations are alike, we can tailor a litigation management plan to achieve a meaningful win. We understand and respect our clients' budgets and deadlines, emphasizing case management, risk evaluation analyses, frequent communication, and adherence to our clients' goals. Some of our lawyers actually maintain offices in client facilities to provide day-to-day advice and assistance.
Litigation can be expensive and that the prospect can seem overwhelming. Our lawyers work with clients from the outset to put together the appropriate team and assign work to the right professional to ensure we handle matters in the most efficient and effective manner possible. Prior to beginning our work, we advise clients on strategic choices and relative costs to help them manage expectations and budget.
Knowledge is Power
Our litigators make every effort to counsel and educate clients on how to avoid litigation altogether. We counsel our clients on a variety of pre-litigation matters, including ways to avoid litigation. We help them by designing conflict management systems. We help them prepare and negotiate contracts to limit exposure to litigation, and show them how to maximize the likelihood that, if litigation is filed, it will be filed in a forum selected by our clients.
We have a dedicated, cross-disciplinary team that counsel and train clients in document retention and destruction programs. Staffed by experienced litigators, paralegals and clerks, the iMeD team (Information Management/e-Discovery) has handled data and document issues for corporate clients across international borders, and with courts and counsel around the world.
Additionally, we routinely advise clients regarding document organization and retrieval systems, develop product safety programs and company histories on product safety initiatives, oversee compliance with standards, render advice regarding contemplated product recall, and respond to actions by safety organizations such as the Consumer Products Safety Commission.
Litigation Support
Successful litigation is about planning, details and execution. Today's technology has greatly aided lawyers with discovery and data/document handling to make even the most complex cases simple to manage and present.
We offer a dedicated litigation support staff with to tools to research, document, manage and present a case powerfully and accurately. Using the most powerful litigation software available, our support staff can provide secure remote access to these software tools to clients and co-counsel. Their goal is help present a powerful and effective case to ensure a successful outcome.
Board Certified Civil Trial Lawyer - National Board of Legal Specialty Certification
Hugh E Reynolds Jr
Frost Brown Todd LLC
201 N Illinois St #1900
Indianapolis IN 46204
Tel: 317 237-3800
Fax: 317 237-3900
Practice Areas
* Litigation
* Alternative Dispute Resolution
* Construction
* Insurance
* Product Manufacturers
* Fidely & Surety
* Insurance Carriers
Hugh Reynolds has been actively engaged in litigation, arbitration and mediation in the areas of fidelity and surety, construction law, product liability and commercial disputes for over 50 years. During that time, he has built a reputation for extraordinary talent in client work and leadership within the legal profession. Mr. Reynolds is actively engaged in arbitration and mediation. He is on both the Construction and the Commercial Arbitration Panels for the American Arbitration Association. Often recognized for his achievements, Mr. Reynolds has received many awards and other recognition.
